Check out our latest Briarwood Bugle! You can read it below or see it in glorious color and with photos here.
Briarwood Bugle 2024
Week 5
From Mike and Matt
It has been another amazing week at spectacularly awesome Briarwood Day Camp! The Fishing Derby was a ton of fun. We had 3 on 3 basketball tournaments this week and Wednesday’s Hawaiian Shirt Day put us all in a happy and tropical mood. The Super CITs had a fantastic day at the beach and loved their trip to Hershey Park and — on top of everything else — our “regular” camp stuff continued to amaze and astound! We ended the week with Goofy Day today and, well, it certainly earned its name!
It continues to be wonderful to see so many smiling, laughing kids all around camp.
Next week is the Busy Bee Show—always a crowd pleaser featuring Briarwood’s cutest! Carnival is next week, too. And S’mores Week at Nature. The fun continues! Have a great weekend!
• Busy Bee Show – Tuesday, July 30 at 10:30 am.
• Gymnastics Show (you’ll flip for it!) – Wednesday, July 31 at 11:30 am.
• CARNIVAL!!! – Thursday, August 1.
The Awesome Otters by Drew Weitzman
Through 5 weeks, all of the Otters are having a blast at Briarwood! We enjoy going through the camp on different adventures every single day. Ethan and Fin, the junior counselors, and I look forward to see what the boys do in camp to show off their skills. Kaiden, Zev, and Gianni have taken on the zipline at the Ropes course with a grin from ear to ear. Brady, Sammy, and Harvey go goo goo for Gaga with their passion for the game! Lucas, Ryan S. and Shane put on a clinic playing Indoor Hockey with their slick moves and awesome goals. The fish seem to be jumping at the chance to be caught by Ryan V. and he handles the rod like a pro. After baseball’s All Star game, Montgomery and Rylan hit the ball out of the park at wiffle ball with each swnig. Kabir and Odin are modern artists with the work they have done in ceramics and art. The deep water test, amongst other activities, are no match for Aaron aka Steelwall. This has been an amazing summer filled with laughter and fun. Time is flying by because of all the fun we are having at camp!
Senior Staff: Shayna Feldgus
Junior Staff: Ben Goldstein
Can’t wait for next summer? Neither can we!
So check your email inbox for information we sent about Summer 2025
at Briarwood Day Camp!
Hanging Around at Ropes and Rockwall – By: Stu Kavitsky
From Busy Bees to Super CITs, campers are challenging themselves to climb to new heights. Some are eager to launch themselves down the zipline while others contemplate how they are going to get back down. Other campers conquering the route from the tire swings to the net bridge… our campers always find innovative ways to address each obstacle and find that “perfect balance.” Whether they climb to the top or just get a few feet off the ground, our campers build their skills and their confidence and there is always a sense of accomplishment . . . that is what it is all about!!
• If you want to reach your camper’s counselor during the camp day, call the office at 215-598-7143 and we will gladly relay your message. Please do not TEXT or CALL your child’s counselor directly during the camp day. Our counselors are busy watching children and we have asked them not to check their phones during the day.
• Early and Late Care is available from 7:30 am—6:00 pm sharp. Please call the office if you will need this service.
• While it never rains at Briarwood, in the event of a passing shower, please send your camper with the appropriate rain gear should the forecast call for rain.
• Everyone should apply sunscreen daily prior to coming to camp.
• We have a lost and found at camp. It gets pretty full this time of year. Campers’ items should be marked or labeled before they come to camp.
• Did you miss a Bugle? You can find all of this summer’s Bugles in the news section of our website.
• Sure, we’ve got rain dates listed on our calendar . . . but it never rains at Briarwood Day Camp!
We return with profiles of more senior staff members at Briarwood Day Camp
LAUREN GROSS is a long-ago Briarwood Camper and we’re happy she has rejoined us to be our New Games specialist! During the school year, Lauren is a speech therapist. Her favorite food is macaroni and cheese and her favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast. If Lauren was an animal she would be a flamingo and if she could go anywhere, she would go to Spain!
RUPALI VERMA is another new staffer that we are lucky to have at camp this summer! Rupali is a substitute teacher at Small Wonders. Her favorite food is dosa (a South Indian crepe, yum!) and her favorite movie is Mother of the Bride. The last book that she read was Ikigai and if she was an animal she would be a tigress! Rupali LOVES to dance and if she could travel anywhere, she would go to Greece.
Briarwood Presents: Encanto! By Rebecca Nahom
As you get ready to watch gymnastics in the Olympics, you can prepare by watching the Briarwood Gymnastics Show! The Gymnastics Club is happy to announce our theme for this year’s show…Encanto!! The girls have been practicing all summer and can’t wait for you to see all the new skills they have learned.
From handstands and cartwheels to pullovers and leaps, our show has it all. Briarwood has many talented gymnasts who are excited to showcase everything they have been working on all summer.
On bars they glide and swing, catch and circle. On vault they squat on, over and through and finish with one of their dazzling dismounts. On beam, the girls balance and turn, kick, dip, leap and jump! You will see incredible floor routines and even a challenging and fun floor circuit including back walkovers, cartwheels, handstands, dive rolls, straddle rolls and so much more.
We can’t wait for you to see the amazing cast of Encanto as they wow you with their gymnastics feats!
♫ Learn the Briarwood Song! ♫ http://bit.ly/BDCSong We’ll sing it at camp!
Are you looking for a new home for those old costumes taking up space in your closet?LET US TAKE CARE OF THAT FOR YOU. Our drama department will happily accept any clean, gently used costumes—ANY SIZE! Our campers love them!
Important Dates
•Week of July 29-4th Annual Campwide Mini Golf Tournament AND S’mores Week at Nature
•July 30th-Busy Bee Show
•July 31st-Wednesday Themeday: Sports Jersey Day
•July 31st-Gymnastics Show
•August 1-Carnival
•August 6th-Mystery Day
•August 7th-Wednesday Themeday: TBA
•August 12th-Briarwood Birthday Celebration
•August 14th-Wednesday Themeday-Briarwood Spirit Day
•August 16th-Last day of camp – early dismissal at 2:30