Kids love to have fun. Kids love to be silly. Parents know that kids LOVE to talk about – and to relive – fun times and funny times and silly times. The joy of a child is a sight to behold. And laughter is wonderful for everyone’s happiness and mental health.
As parents, sometimes we strive a little too much to build “constructive” and “meaningful” summer experiences for our children – engineering camp at the local community college, foreign language immersion, tennis camp in Florida, shadowing your doctor friend and so on.
But are those summer experiences that our kids will remember? Is that what will bring them joy? Are those the memories that they’ll treasure as they get older? Is that what YOU remember from when you were a kid? Do YOU have shared jokes from chemistry camp or from that summer you filed papers in a dentist’s office? Did you make any lifelong friends at those places?
At Briarwood Day Camp, we want to help raise happy, healthy children. And that means that we leave plenty of time for silliness, impromptu and otherwise.
What do we do at Briarwood to foster silliness and laughter? Where do we start?
Here are a few things that should be a part of everyone’s life!
Let’s all wear crazy hats!
And then let’s have a Crazy Hat Parade!
A few years ago, Matt realized he had a lot of Briarwood shirts. A LOT. What to do with them? Let’s give them away! So once a week, campers have an opportunity to Win Matt Frankel’s T-Shirt (actually, they’re not always Matt’s shirts but that’s another story for another time). Our campers might answer a trivia question or do a dance or sing the Briarwood song and then – to claim their prize – they’ll get up on Briarwood’s stage, hold up their prize and bellow “MY NAME IS [insert name] AND I WON MATT FRANKEL’S T-SHIRT!”
Shouldn’t everyone spend time as an M&M? Or an angry bird? Or as a set of creepy JC Penney models (seriously, Senior Camp staff – you’re weirding us out!)? Or any of these other cool, awesome, funny, silly things?
At Briarwood Day Camp, our #1 goal for our campers – more than that they learn how to hit a backhand, more than that they can do the backstroke, more than that they catch a fish or score a goal or make a perfect pinch pot – is that they grow up to be happy, healthy humans. We think silliness and laughter at camp goes a long way towards helping achieve that goal. Want to learn more? Reach out to us at (215) 598-7143 or office@briarwooddaycamp.com.