Fun is good for a child’s mental health! Let’s have fun! Let’s be silly! Let’s laugh!
As parents, sometimes we realize that we’re trying to collect experiences for our kids instead of just letting them be KIDS. And what will they remember when they get older? The intensive foreign language immersion that they dreaded? The elementary school level chemistry camp? Did they make any new, meaningful friends? Did they experience joy?
At Briarwood, we want to help raise happy, healthy children. And that means that we leave plenty of time for silliness, impromptu and otherwise.
What do we do to foster silliness and laughter? Where do we start?
(Well, we started in Part I of this post – click here to read about Crazy Hat Day, Win Matt Frankel’s T-Shirt and Halloween in July.)
Here are a few more things that should be a part of everyone’s life!
Sure, we teach kids how to swim and dive. But doesn’t everybody love to watch their counselors belly flop, too?
We had a problem. People weren’t checking out our lost and found. We had a lot of stuff. How to get people to pay attention? A lost and found fashion show! Campers and staff model the latest and greatest in lost and found! It’s fun! It’s funny! (And it works!)
Because everyone should dress like this more often.
At Briarwood Day Camp, our #1 goal for our campers – more than that they learn how to hit a backhand, more than that they can do the backstroke, more than that they catch a fish or score a goal or make a perfect pinch pot – is that they grow up to be happy, healthy humans. We think silliness and laughter at camp goes a long way towards helping achieve that goal. Want to learn more? Reach out to us at (215) 598-7143 or office@briarwooddaycamp.com.